Simply Put

“Simply Put: Communicating Clearly in Plain Language” is a series designed to help state workforce agencies communicate clearly and effectively. The series includes case study examples of successful practices in states, resources and templates, and actionable tips to help states implement plain language initiatives.

Building off the guidance and work of the U.S. Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration, “Simply Put” is a collection of original published resources from NASWA, as well as a central hub for plain language information and resources from other organizations.

By developing these resources, we hope to meaningfully answer questions, such as:

  • What does plain language look like in practice?
  • What is a plain language review and how do we revise communications using plain language principles?
  • How do we evaluate if our revisions have improved the clarity of a document?

Have a best practice to highlight or a question about plain language you would like us to address? Contact your State Liaison.